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Comparing Job Offers

Comparing Job Offers

Written by: Rachelle Vanderzanden, CFP® You did it.  Or maybe, you’re almost there!  For folks comparing job offers and about to take on their first attending job, this is a huge transition. How many years have you been working toward this goal?  Do we start counting...
Backdoor Roth IRA

Backdoor Roth IRA

Written by: Corey Janoff We are closing in on the end of the year and there is still time to contribute to an IRA for 2024! You actually have a bit more time than that to complete IRA contributions. Whether it’s a Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, or Backdoor Roth IRA, the...
UPDATE: Federal Student Loan Repayment and SAVE Plan

UPDATE: Federal Student Loan Repayment and SAVE Plan

Written by: Derek Melvin If you are one of the millions of borrowers currently enrolled in the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) repayment plan or pursuing federal student loan forgiveness, this has likely been a challenging past few years. With multiple loan...
6 Benefits of Being a Locum Tenens Physician

6 Benefits of Being a Locum Tenens Physician

Written by: Corey Janoff I have a number of clients who are locum tenens physicians. What is a locum tenens physician? A locum tenens doctor is basically a temporary employee.  They are independent contractors, rather than salaried, W2 employees at a hospital or...
The Importance of Estate Planning

The Importance of Estate Planning

Written by: Corey Janoff We may have heard about Estate Planning. You may read it in an article or hear about it in a commercial. But what is Estate planning and why is it important?  Estate planning is a friendly term for planning your death. Yes, it is death...
5 Steps to Achieving Financial Independence

5 Steps to Achieving Financial Independence

Written by: Corey Janoff People are always big fans of lists.  I’m not sure why.  There is probably some psychological reason behind it.  Maybe we have a fascination with numbers and order.    It is also timely as we enter the holiday season. Grocery lists, list of...