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Retirement Planning for 1099 Income: Solo 401k vs. SEP IRA

Retirement Planning for 1099 Income: Solo 401k vs. SEP IRA

“My CPA says I need to set up a SEP!” When I hear that, I usually reply, “Congratulations! Typically, when I have someone asking about SEP, I know their business has reached a point where they could benefit from setting up a SEP… or for that matter a Solo 401(k), SIMPLE IRA, or Keogh plan. Did your CPA mention any of these? Or perhaps discuss the difference between a Solo 401k vs. SEP IRA?”

A Guide to Money in Residency

A Guide to Money in Residency

As a new wave of interns & residents begin working at teaching hospitals across the country, we thought it would be a good idea to put together a guide to money in residency so you can get started on the right foot. The sooner you can establish good habits, the easier your path to financial freedom will be (possibly even fatFIRE).

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The Finity Group